a group rafting
White Wave Graphic

Corporate Team Building

A phrase that many have come to both know and dread. While this activity may generally result in running around in a circle, asking strange questions, and eating puffy bagels – it could also mean a weekend of whitewater rafting! What does this mean for companies? An engaged, happy batch of employees that have now practiced their team building skills in a manner that is unique and fun – and doesn’t even feel like “team building”.

There are many benefits to whitewater rafting instead of some of the more conventional methods often seen. We have compiled a list of some of the best reasons that you should take your team building out of the office and onto the water for a weekend that your employees won’t soon forget.


  1. It keeps employees engaged: Happy teams are productive teams. By providing an opportunity to spend a weekend enjoying the summer sunshine in an exciting and unique way, employees are sure to be refreshed and prepared to continue forward with all necessary tasks.
  2. It is good exercise: Whitewater rafting is the best type of exercise – the kind that is fun, and that you don’t even realize you are doing! Exercise has a number of benefits, both physical and mental that allow for positive results that resonate beyond the day on the water.
  3. It is cost-effective: Simple. By bringing a group, to an activity designed for groups, companies and other large groups can be sure that the value is there.
  4. It can be local: Depending on your location, there are generally a number of venues available that have rafting many seasons of the year. Many do shut down in the colder winter months, but this still leaves ample opportunities for team building fun on the water.
  5. There are lots of fun peripheral activities: If it is only an afternoon of rafting that your group craves, there are a multitude of local options of other fun activities in many places. These are as simple as shopping at some of the local craft artisans, or be further team building opportunities, such as zip lines or volleyball.
  6. It requires a different type of dependence on coworkers: Depending on your partner to keep a raft upright can be a welcome change from depending on them to finish a document on time! Having these sorts of experiences with those who you work closely with can improve communication and understanding.
  7. It is unique from the normal form of team building: Because sometimes those externally-organized “team building trips” can just be so cliche, without providing much actual team building value.
  8. It is a good weekend break: Whether you spend a day or a weekend on the water, you know that all minds will be reset come Monday and ready to tackle whatever tasks you have at hand; without the stress of heavy travel that can come with weekends.
  9. It supports local economies: No matter where you choose to go whitewater rafting, you can know that the money you invest into the experience will help to strengthen the local economy in the area by providing jobs to many people and demand for materials to many shops.
  10. It is fun!: No further explanation required!

With these reasons in mind, is there really any reason to keep your summer team-building adventures inside? NOPE! If you have reasons why you love to take your employees whitewater rafting, leave them in a comment below!

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