a group rafting
White Wave Graphic

WV Bucket List

With 2014 coming to a close, we begin to look forward (already!) to 2015 and all the fun things to come. West Virginia is home to a variety of different activities – many of which can be found on bucket lists around the country. No matter what your idea of a good time is, WV is sure to have something to fulfill it.

So far, our 2015 New River Gorge bucket list has 10 items on it. By the time we start our first activity, the list may have grown to 20 items. So, when you are crafting your first list – be sure to consider how much time there is between now and the new year so that you don’t end up traveling for all of 2015.

Want to see what our list contains? Keep reading! Who knows, you might find something that you want to add to your list too!

  1.  Go whitewater rafting! (DUH) The New River Gorge istc an internationally known destination for veteran rafters; while also providing fantastic introductory opportunities for new rafters.
  2. Go to the Greenbrier Classic; an important stop on the PGA tour and located about an hour away from the gorge.
  3. Roast marshmallows over an open fire. Sometimes the simple things are the best things.
  4. Conquer a fear of heights by hopping on a canopy tour/zipline adventure. This could be one of our first activities before the water warms up enough for rafting.
  5. Watch the sunrise. Hopefully after hiking up a mountain with a bunch of coffee. Can’t forget the camera for this one!
  6. Visit Tamarack and find a unique and meaningful gift for a friend or family member.
  7. Plan (and complete) a weekend of total vacation – starting with an extra large bed in a resort, continuing with a massage, and ending with a delicious meal (not to mention everything in between).
  8. Successfully set up (and take down) a tent without crying, screaming or making someone else do it.
  9. Eat at every restaurant in Oak Hill (reviews to follow).
  10. Check out Bridge Day and support local BASE jumpers and other variety of adrenaline junkie.

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