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The Geography of the New River and the New River Gorge

The New River is one of the most scenic, historical rivers that flows through the United States.  The New River sits at 320 miles long and is millions of years old.  This river is the third oldest river in the world and flows through three states and five mountain ranges.  The New River begins in the mountains of North Carolina, flows through Virginia and West Virginia until it meets the Gauley River in South-central West Virginia, creating the Kanawha River. During the New River’s flow through three states, it also runs along five mountain ranges, the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Great Appalachian Valley, the Ridge and Valley Province and the Allegheny Front that flows to the Appalachian Plateau, otherwise known as the New River Gorge.  The New River Gorge is one of the greatest things that the New River has to offer. The New River Gorge is a natural wonder special to West Virginia.

The Gorge starts its flow from below the Bluestone Dam in Hinton, West Virginia and ends at U.S. Route 19 located in Fayette County, West Virginia.  As the Gorge flows from Hinton to Fayette County it travels deeper and deeper into the canyons of West Virginia.  The Gorge sits at one thousand feet deep from the river bottom to the closest plateau.  The New River Gorge is home to hundreds and thousands of thriving ecosystems such as rare species of plants, animals and habitats.

The water system of the gorge has hydrologic qualities that consist of pools, rapids, waterfalls, currents, ect. The New River Gorge is accessible to visitors from the river, trails, limited roads and another wonder of the New River Gorge, The New River Gorge Bridge.  The New River Gorge Bridge is located towards the end of the gorge’s flow in Fayette County, West Virginia.  This bridge is so massive it even has an extreme sports holiday dedicated to it called Bridge Day.  The Bridge Day festival includes BASE Jumping, Rappeling and White Water Rafting, unique to the gorge.  The New River Gorge is home to special wildlife, water flow and extreme sports that can only be found in West Virginia.

Together the New River and the New River Gorge create a rich experience to visitors filled with geography, wildlife and natural beauty special to West Virginia.  Check out more about the New River and the New River Gorge from the Nation Park Service.

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