a group rafting
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Health Benefits of Whitewater Rafting

Whitewater rafting is a great activity for many reasons. When most people plan their rafting trip, they consider how much fun the trip will be, the beauty of nature surrounding the water, and also the camaraderie of time spent with friends on the river.  Aside from the obvious reasons to raft, did you know that time on the water can also be good for your health? Keep reading to find out our Top 3 Health Benefits of whitewater rafting.

1. It’s GREAT exercise!

Many people love whitewater rafting because it is exciting and there is never a dull moment. What this means, is that while you are having the time of your life – you are also burning calories and building muscle; without realizing you are doing so.

2. It’s outdoors!

This not only means that you get to breathe fresh air in the sunshine (or rain) – which with the amount of time we all spend in the car, in the home, and in the workplace, means that this is a welcome change of pace. Studies have shown that time outside lowers stress levels – making for happier people! Which leads us to our third benefit…

3. It’s a great stress reliever!

Long week at work? Difficulties with the people in your life? Take a break from stressing about problems and blow off some steam. Sometimes the best solutions to problems appear when we least expect them in moments of fun and relaxation.

Other benefits include:

  • Team building! It strengthens connections and communication between rafters.
  • Adrenaline. Okay, this might fall into the above categories, but with adrenaline comes endorphins – which makes for happy people!
  • Digital switch off. Very few activities allow people to completely “disconnect” with the outside world. Guess who is going to have a new sense of clarity in the office on Monday?

Luckily, there are tons more benefits to your whitewater getaway. Less luckily, right now you’ll have to leave the US and go somewhere slightly warmer to reap these benefits. But if nothing else, it’s something for us to dream about until springtime finally rolls around.

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