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Tropical Whitewater Destinations

Brrrrrrr. We may love winter, but not all of it. As much as any time spent outdoors isn’t time wasted, that doesn’t mean that we don’t have other preferences for how we would prefer the climate to be ;).

Since the New River Gorge is beautiful in the winter, but a bit lacking in inspiring whitewater rafting presently, we spent some time on Instagram finding some of the tropical whitewater destinations from around the world. So if you’re looking for a little inspiration to help you get through the long winter, we’ve got it for you here.

@BaliAdventureTours: (BALI) The right word to describe this incredible location? Lush. If you’re in search of incredible whitewater adventures in conjunction with a variety of other local activities (and animals!), then Bali is definitely the trip for you. This Instagram is great because it gives you a really full perspective of everything that you could come to expect from a trip hosted by this outfitting company.

@MalaysiaWhitewaterRafting: (MALAYSIA) Like our friends in Bali, this feed is full of lush and tropical whitewater environments that may make you almost too jealous as you look out into the snowy (rainy, windy, wet) conditions where you are. Bonus: they also have awesome videos of their massive “water blob“, which could be sufficient motivation to make the flight in and of itself.

@CileuncaLakeside: (INDONESIA) #thatwatertho. Seriously. The color and clarity alone are incredible – not to mention that you’re floating over it in a raft ;). This is one of our favorite accounts because the colors are seriously inspiring and because you also get a taste of the local life and flavor of the region – an island off the coast of the mainland.

@XtremePaddlers: (MALAYSIA) If you’re reading for a rafter’s eye view of the rivers in Malaysia, then you need to follow this account! With a number of trips documented on GoPro cameras, you can be sure that their updates will make you feel like you’re right there flying through jungles and greenery.

@Potrerillos_explorer: (ARGENTINA) So not necessarily tropical per se, but the mountains and glass-like water would more than make up for that. Regardless of what vessel you prefer, this account is full of inspiring pics that do nothing but push that urge to travel. Inverse seasons from our hemisphere means that when you’re really over the cold weather here, you can seize the summer breezes there.

@TrailblazerAdventures: (SOUTH AFRICA) Waterfalls? Yes please. While South Africa may not be the very first location that jumps to mind when you think of whitewater rafting, but it definitely should be! Added bonus? The incredible culture of the surrounding regions makes this a trip that would be completely unforgettable. And as for this account? It’ll for sure get you thinking about your next vacation – while giving you a great view of some amazing whitewater adventures 😉

@grab.ethno.village.and.camp: (MONTENEGRO) The colors of the water (a recurring theme in this post, right?). This type of whitewater adventure takes place in a tropical paradise that takes on a village-like setting. This means that when you arrive, you can forget about everything that you left behind and completely get absorbed in the beauty of your temporary home.

@RanauRaftingAdventure: (INDONESIA) Mmmm don’t those leaves just beckon you to join them on the whitewater? Indonesia is definitely one of our top tropical whitewater destinations, and this account shows why that is. Nature is incredible and the whitewater provides the perfect backdrop to experience it by. So who is ready to get some plane tickets organized??

These are just some of our favorite locations, but there are way more destinations worldwide that we couldn’t include today. Do you have another trip that you loved or would love to take? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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